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How to use the MageWorx Repository

Magento 2 Marketplace makes it possible to install the extensions via the composer. To provide one more possible way to install the updates for the MageWorx extensions and receive the latest versions without the considerable delay, we've decided to develop our own repository.

This repository supports only the Magento 2 extensions developed by MageWorx. Currently, our Magento 1 extensions are not provided there.

How to install the extension?

1) Open the CLI (command line interface)

2) Navigate to the root Magento folder. Bear in mind that the user should write permissions to this folder and its subfolders.

3) Add MageWorx composer repository to your Magento composer.json file:

composer config repositories.mageworx_packages composer

4) Enter the Access keys from your customer account on our store

5) Execute this command:

composer require <mageworx-module-composer-code>

How to find the module code?

You can find the appropriate module code in this table.

6) Execute the following commands:

php bin/magento module:enable MageWorx_ModuleName php bin/magento setup:upgrade php bin/magento cache:flush php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy

How to identify the name of the module?

The names of the extensions can taken from the names of the folders located in /app/code/Mageworx/ in the module's folder. Bear in mind that several folders can be seen there, in this case you need to list all of them without commas, like php bin/magento module:enable MageWorx_SeoAll MageWorx_SeoBase MageWorx_SeoXTemplates...etc. You do not need to include the meta package in this link. The meta package has the ...Meta word in the name like MageWorx_OrderManagementMeta. You do not need to add the extensions that were already installed.

My Access Keys

To generate or manage the access keys, you should log into your account on our store ⟶ My Access Keys section.

MageWorx Repository

Use the Public Key as a login and the Private Key – as a password. If you need to use the repo aliases, please follow this link.

Extension Composer Codes

The Extension's Name Composer Name
Advanced Product Options mageworx/module-advancedproductoptions
Cross Links mageworx/module-seocrosslinksmeta
Currency Auto Switcher mageworx/module-currencymeta
Custom Order Number mageworx/module-customordernumber
Customer Group Prices mageworx/module-customergrouppricesmeta
Delivery Date mageworx/module-deliverydatemeta
Donations Suite mageworx/module-donationsmeta
Extended Rich Snippets mageworx/module-seomarkupmeta
Extended Sales-Orders Grid mageworx/module-ordersgridmeta
File Downloads & Product Attachments mageworx/module-downloadsmeta
Geo Lock mageworx/module-geolockmeta
Gift Cards mageworx/module-giftcards
Landing Pages mageworx/module-landingpagesprometa
Layered Navigation mageworx/module-layered-navigation-meta
Multi Fees mageworx/module-multifeesmeta
Order Editor mageworx/module-ordereditormeta
Order Management mageworx/module-ordereditor
Others Also Bought mageworx/module-alsoboughtmeta
Personal Customer Discount mageworx/module-personalpromotionmeta
Prices per Customer mageworx/module-customerpricesmeta
Product reviews mageworx/module-xreview
Reward Points mageworx/module-rewardpointsmeta
Search Suite mageworx/module-searchsuitesphinxmeta
SEO Meta Templates mageworx/module-seoxtemplatesmeta
SEO Suite Ultimate mageworx/module-seosuiteultimate
Shipping Suite mageworx/module-shippingrulesmeta
Sitemap Suite mageworx/module-sitemapsuitemeta
Store and Currency Auto Switcher mageworx/module-storecurrencymeta
Store Locator & In-store Pickup mageworx/module-storelocatormeta
WAVES Crypto Payments mageworx/module-waves-payment

How to update the extension?

1) Open the CLI (command line interface)

2) Execute these commands:

composer remove <mageworx-module-composer-code> composer require <mageworx-module-composer-code>

How to find the module code?

You can find the appropriate module code in this table.

3) After the composer downloaded the updates, execute the following commands:

php bin/magento setup:upgrade php bin/magento cache:flush php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy

How to delete the extension?

1) Open the CLI (command line interface)

2) Execute this command:

composer remove <mageworx-module-composer-code>

How to find the module code?

You can find the appropriate module code in this table.

How to use the repo aliases?

If you need to install several MageWorx extensions to one store using different access keys, you can use the repo aliases to make it possible. There are 9 possible aliases: