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Donations Ultimate FAQ

How to completely remove Donations Ultimate extension

If you want to completely remove Custom Price extension from your sever you need to do the following:

  • Disable Compilation Mode (if enabled)

  • Rename the file app/etc/modules/MageWorx_Donations.xml to app/etc/modules/MageWorx_Donations.xml~

  • Login in to Magento back-end and refresh site cache (if enabled)

  • Connect to your database using any Database tool

  • Open the table eav_attribute

  • Delete the records with attribute code donation_available and donation_default from this table or simply execute the following queries:

sql DELETE FROM `eav_attribute` WHERE `attribute_code` = 'donation_available'; DELETE FROM `eav_attribute` WHERE `attribute_code` = 'donation_default'; - Now you can remove all the files of the extension from your server. The files and the folders you have to remove:

app/code/local/MageWorx/Donations app/code/local/MageWorx/Adminhtml ///if you do not use any other extensions of MageWorx app/design/adminhtml/default/default/layout/donations.xml app/design/frontend/default/default/layout/donations.xml app/design/frontend/{YOUR THEME}/{YOUR_TEMPLATE}/layout/donations.xml app/design/frontend/default/default/template/donations /app/design/frontend/{YOUR THEME}/{YOUR_TEMPLATE}/template/donations app/etc/modules/MageWorx_Adminhtml.xml ///if you do not use any other extensions of MageWorx app/etc/modules/MageWorx_Donations.xml app/locale/en_US/template and app/locale/{YOUR_LOCALE}/template ///if you do not use any other extensions of MageWorx app/locale/en_US/MageWorx_Adminhtml.csv /app/locale/{YOUR_LOCALE}/MageWorx_Adminhtml.csv ///if you do not use any other extensions of MageWorx app/locale/en_US/MageWorx_Donations.csv app/locale/{YOUR_LOCALE}/MageWorx_Donations.csv